masalah saya bersama Proton Savvy

>> Sunday, April 25, 2010

aku memang tekanan nih. dah abes jenuh aku baca segala mak nenek forum, review pasal Savvy. tapi, macam biasalah bukannye paham sangat. entah ape yang aku baca pun tatau. even aku dah register pun kat tu. cumanye, tak pernah lah lagi bertanya2 kat situ. macam segan pulak kot. hohoho!

tadi aku check minyak itam. itu je lah gamaknye yang aku paling reti. sebab dari aritu aku dah perasan yang ada leaking bawah kete. dan dah aku check pun memang confirm minyak itam yang menitik jatuh ke bumi. tadi aku check, had minyak aku tu dah makin turun. lagi sikit je nak minimum. apekejadah ko pergi leaking kat situ??? ayyooooo! so, weekend depan aku hantar bengkel.

then, sebab aritu brader pomen tu suruh ganti spark plug. jadinya aku survey lah harga. apsal aku ada jumpa yang mahal giler, brand Denso... 4 bijik dalam 200 lebih. memang mahal ek? lepas tu brand Bosch aku tenguk range 60-80 je. ada jugaklah yang RM90++. tapi, haruslah aku tenguk yang murah kan? so, aku nak tanya apeke beza segala macam brand nih?

lepas tu, aku dok baca2 review segala ni... main problems savvy adalah jerking. maka erin, rupanye bila kite drive tersengguk2 adalah perkara biasa. hahaha! tapi idakler pernah kete aku tu terstop tengah jalan. apa aku baca tu, kena pandai nak main minyak ke clutch ntah.

so, sini aku nak paste je lah ape yang orang comment ni. pasal takut aku tak ingat. kalo ada sesape nak tambah komen dipersilakan. sangat dialu-alukan yer...

1) The battery regardless how good it is need to be replaced every year.

2) Difficulties to start is due to Speed Sensor. The speed sensor is located underneath the engine / gearbox bay. The sensor need to be cleaned or replace due to an accumulation of dirt. This is the main reason why car cannot start. Get it cleaned every 20000km or otherwise replacing the cable will cost extra.

Proton Savvy maintenance : Do check radiator and sensor regularly and do not hesitate to service it. Other maintenance is cool.


Knowingly savvy shares common minor problem. Engine difficulties to start and jerking.. It happened to me.. so I went to a Renault specialist and only cost me RM45.00 only.

1) Throttle body re service.

2) Flywheel Speed Sensor re clean.

Result: Positive response and easy to start. Less jerk.Recommended to re service every 30000km.

Time consumed: 40 minutes for constant servicing.

I don't have any problems driving Proton Savvy. It has been almost 04 years and only wear and tear. Here are my suggestion :-

1) Car Jerk : Clean the throttle bodies and sensor. No need to replace parts.

2) Car difficulties to start : clean the sensor only.

3) Car engine wobbling : it's time to change to coil. I only changed one time and costs only RM400.00.

4) Tip top Robotics (AMT) transmission : each time you at the traffic light or stop a while ensure engaged Neutral. It is the same concept as Alfa selespeed or latest DSG Golf GTI. (Please read the manual or consult sales personnel before drive). Even DSG transmission manual book advises to put in neutral, then use handbrake.

5) Can be serviced in either Proton or Renault specialist.

6) Never use emergency brake while engaging 1st gear. It will slowly damage the dry clutch.

All I can advise is the radiator fan. It is a normal operation if you turn off the engine and the fan still running for few minutes.

If you can see this car only equip with 01 Hugh fan to operate both radiator and air conditioned system. It is part of the weight saving factor. No problem will appear if you take care the radiator coolant as per schedule.

I have realised the radiator coolant need to changed up to 7 litres every 20000km which is contradict from the manual book. But I am sure there are some reason why Proton ask their customer to change the radiator coolant more regularly. Perhaps due to Malaysia hot climate require the Renault based engine to be serviced in tip top condition.

I understood Renault engine requires good mantenance especially radiator operation in a very hot climate like malaysia.

semua komen2 ni aku dapat dari sini. so, big thanks to all commenters. at least, i got few ideas bout my savvy. *big claps everyone!*

so, yang aku paham tak paham tu... benda yang nak di service ni perlu ke di bagitau kat pomen or bila kita hantar service dorang tau dah benda ape yang nak di settelkan? sebabnye aku memang tak kenal lah ape tu throttle la.. ignition coil tu apekah bendanya... and macam2 lagi tu.

lepas tu, banyak2 benda yang aku ingat masa seller tu bagi kereta cuma pasal coolant radiator je. dia pesan suruh pakai yang pure coolant. jangan ada yang campur air. dalam kereta aku ada sebotol. tu genuine lah proton punya. then ada 1 komen tu kan, suh ganti after 20000km. so, coolant ni memang kena ganti lah yer walaupun banyak lagi? ke macamane? ke bila nak buat major service, semua segala benda dorang ganti? apekah semua iniiiiii??????

aku dah sakit pale kalo memikir pasal kereta. kereta problem, maknanye duit pun akan problem sama. so, aku akan bertimpa2 dapat major problem serentak. owh ye, insurans dengan roadt*x tu pun aku lom bayar lagi yer. uwaaaaaa! plannye nak bayar bulan depan ni. cepatlah dapat kerja baru... :((

bunyik dung dang kat tayar tu aku malas nak memikir dulu. sebab kereta ni kalo gerak pun time weekend je. ari kerja memang elok tersadai bawah khemah. berdebu macam hape. dah naik malas aku nak basuh. pasal tiap kali aku basuh, dan2 tu jugaklah hujan mencurah2. sat lagi aku beli vacum kereta. tu jer pun yang buat aku sakit mata pasal kat kaki ada pasir lah..daun2 lah... rimas! ingat nak pakai yang macam myvi tu. apenama tah... macam letak kat toilet. hahaha! senang sket kot aku nak membuang pasir ke daun terlekat kat tempat kaki.

so, takdelah niat gatal nak upgrade kete aku jadi bukan2. dedulu ada gak terasa nak tukar rim. pasal yang ori tu rupa plastik. hehehe... nanti2 dulu lah. baik settle kan benda2 major ni dulu. owh.. lagi satu, aku kena ganti viper. cermin aku memang kelabu time hujan. sangat bahaya!

pasal kete ni, actually aku tak rasa pun nak complain sangat. masalahnya cuma sebab aku tatau ape pasal kereta. so, bila ada yang tak kena macam menyakitkan hati. kot lah aku bawak vios sekalipun, kalo dah tatau pape pasal kete tetap juga kata kete tu bermasalah, ye tak? so far, savvy ni aku rasa best je kalo bawak kat highway. before accident dulu lagi sedap. aku tak rasa melayang pun. mean bawak laju pun cam ok jek.. cuma paling tinggi aku tekan pun 140 je lah kan. motip takut kena speedtrap? hahaha!

since the jerking problems tu masalah majoriti savvy owner, aku kena lah mengkaji macamana nak reduce benda tu. sometimes memang takde pun tersengguk walaupun aku slowdown kat traffic lite. kadang2 ada... kena tenguk lah cane aku main minyak ngan break/clutch tu kot. yang aku perasan, kalo jammed teruk bila meter below 20 dia memang tersengguk. tapi, aku assume sebab gear tak masuk. macam kete manual jugak lah since savvy ni amt. banyaknye benda nak kena study... huhuhu

ni lagi satu komen pasal tayar. kot lah aku gatal nak tukar kan... boleh jugak aku refer kat entry ni balik semula. ko ingat, aku boleh hafal semua ke ape2 benda pasal kete ni? uhuk!

To change tire here are your options:-

1) Use back the same size, but performance tire.Effect: More grip.

2) Original 15 Inch Rim : Use tire size 185/50 R15.
(Bridgestone and difficult to find).Effect: More grip. Much better handling than original tyre size.

3) Widened 15 Inch Rim : Use tire size 195/45 R15 (Yokohama)
Effect: More stabilized handling with more sensitive steering.

Other than this size, it will cause a problem especially with loads and during turning. I suggest try to find a workshop who specialized in K Car wheel segment. Not suprised if you can find 16 inch wheel with tyre size 195/ 40 R16 or 195/35 R16 in Malaysia. But not all workshop has it. Japan already has this tire size for small car.

berguna semua kan komen2 ni. baguslah dorang. terima kasih sangat. so, motif aku menepek segala komen ni pun.... encik asrol dan cik erin silalah mengambil perhatian sekali. hahaha! hanya korang lah tempat ku mengaduuuuuu! cewah! ngeheheheee.


p/s: dan2 ni lah rasa nak cari bopren sorang. malas ok nak memikir pasal kete!